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Some of the new Scrabble words

Here are some of the latest additions to the Scrabble canon. I look forward to finding and learning all the 3,000 additions. You can download a list of the most useful three to eight letter new Scrabble words for 2011 here. Innit?

You can read a comprehensive introduction to the new list at the WESPA site.

However you can't actually use them until January 2012. No harm in learning a few though.

ALOO: (Hindi) a potato
ALU: (Hindi) a potato
ARTHOUSE: a style of film
AUTOSAVE: a facility which automatically saves newly-recorded data
BREDREN: brother
CLIT: clitoris
DYKON: a celebrity, often a woman, who is much admired by lesbians
FIQH: Islamic jurisprudence, an expansion of the Sharia Islamic law
GAK: cocaine
GOBI: cauliflower
GREBO: a devotee of heavy metal or grunge music, with unkempt hair and clothes
GRRL and GRRRL: as in RIOT GRRL, a young woman who plays or enjoys an aggressively feminist style of punk rock music
INBOX: email folder for incoming mail
INNIT: isn't it
KEEMA: (Hindi) in Indian cookery, minced beef
MEH: mediocre or boring; an expression of indifference or boredom
MILF: a sexually attractive middle-aged woman
MOOBS: overdeveloped breasts on a man, caused by excess weight or lack of exercise
MWAH: a representation of the sound of a kiss
NANG: (slang) excellent, cool
NOOB: an Internet novice, a NEWBIE
OFFIE and OFFY: (slang) an off-licence
PAEDO: short for paedophile
PERVY: perverted
PUNAANY: female sex organ
QIN: a kind of Chinese zither with silken strings
SCREAMO: a type of hardcore music
SOZ: short for sorry
STRIM: to cut grass with a Strimmer
SUG: to attempt to sell a product while purporting to be engaged in market research
TAOISEACH: prime minister of Ireland
THANG: (slang) thing
TIK: the drug methamphetamine in crystal form
TINA: (slang) crystal meth
TRANCEY: a style of music
TWEENAGE: a child of approximately eight to fourteen years of age
TWIGLET: wheat snack
VLOG: video blogging
WAGYU: a breed of cattle
WIKI: a collaborative web site that allows users control over the site's content


This is such a great blog..Sometimes their are words that we cannot easily catch up that is why its really better to read some books so we won't be having a hard time.

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