Well Scrabulous is still alive, although apparently the Internet Scrabble Club is also under threat now. Can't Hasbro and Mattel (the international owners of Scrabble) see that Scrabulous and ISC are actually creating more fans of the game? It would be interesting to know if sales of the game have been affected since the rise of Scrabulous.
As Josh Quittner of Fortune suggests:
As Josh Quittner of Fortune suggests:
And now you really can join a Facebook group to save Scrabulous!"If I were an evil genius running a board games company whose product line spanned everything from Monopoly to Clue, I might do this: Wait until someone comes up with an excellent implementation of my games and does the hard work of coding and debugging the thing and signing up the masses. Then, once it got to scale, I’d sweep in and take it over. Let the best pirate site win! If I were compassionate, I’d even cut in the guys who did all the work for a percentage point or two to keep the site running."