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What to do with ZA

So your opponent plays ZA, one of the commonest ways of playing Z on the board. If only you could add some letters before it. All you can think of is RIZA. Well, that is the only four letter word ending in ZA - well done. How about these five letter words? BAIZA BONZA BRAZA COBZA COLZA FORZA GYOZA HAMZA MATZA MIRZA MOTZA PLAZA SADZA SPAZA And if you have a blank to make a second Z you can play these: HUZZA LEZZA PIZZA TAZZA ZANZA There are many words which begin with ZA - I'll come to those next time.
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AEEOOZ or should I say ZOOEAE?

Most Scrabble players will know AZO ZEA ZEE ZOA ZOO and use them a lot. But how about ZOEA? I love these combinations of Z and a mixture of 'A's, 'E's and 'O's. Here they are in alphabetical order. AZO ZEA ZEE ZOA ZOAEA ZOAEAE ZOEA ZOEAE ZOO ZOOEA ZOOEAE 


Two handy words with only one differing letter are AIRIEST and AERIEST . Each has one anagram. AERIEST (Anagram = SERIATE) Meaning: Aery is a poetic variant of 'airy', also meaning 'lofty, insubstantial or visionary'. 'Seriate' means 'arranged or occurring in a series or in rows'. AIRIEST (Anagram = IRISATE) Meaning: Airy means 'open to the air' and 'irisate' means 'to make iridescent' (like a rainbow).

X Four Letter Words

One of the most useful two letter words is XI. It's also handy to know that there are 86 four letter words with X in. Many of these you will already know! I have listed below a few that I would like to use soon in a Scrabble game, followed by the entire list (suitable for CSW12 Collins Scrabble Words 2012). CALX XYST YUNX ULEX OXIM APEX AXAL AXED AXEL AXES AXIL AXIS AXLE AXON BOXY BRUX CALX COAX COXA COXY CRUX DEXY DIXI DIXY DOUX DOXY EAUX EXAM EXEC EXED EXES EXIT EXON EXPO EXUL FAIX FALX FAUX FIXT FLAX FLEX FLIX FLOX FLUX FOXY GREX HOAX IBEX ILEX IXIA JAXY JEUX JINX JYNX LANX LUXE LYNX MAXI MINX MIXT MIXY MOXA MYXO NEXT NIXE NIXY ONYX ORYX OXEN OXER OXES OXID OXIM PIXY PLEX POXY PREX ROUX SAXE SEXT SEXY TAXA TAXI TEXT ULEX VEXT WAXY WEXE XRAY XYST YUNX - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

A Nestful of Aeries

Or should that be Eyrie? Well luckily there's lots of ways to spell the word for an eagle's nest in Scrabble. Especially if you are using the most up to date Collins Scrabble Words (CSW) for 2012. You can spell it: AERY AERIE AIERY AYRIE EYRIE EYRY A very handy bingo can also be made using the letters AEEIIRS: AIERIES

Some of the new Scrabble words

Here are some of the latest additions to the Scrabble canon. I look forward to finding and learning all the 3,000 additions. You can download a list of the most useful three to eight letter new Scrabble words for 2011 here . Innit? You can read a comprehensive introduction to the new list at the WESPA site . However you can't actually use them until January 2012. No harm in learning a few though. ACIDFREAK ALOO: (Hindi) a potato ALU: (Hindi) a potato ARTHOUSE: a style of film AUTOSAVE: a facility which automatically saves newly-recorded data BARCODE BIMBETTE BREDREN: brother CHAVETTE CLIT: clitoris DYKON: a celebrity, often a woman, who is much admired by lesbians FACEBOOK FANSITE FIQH: Islamic jurisprudence, an expansion of the Sharia Islamic law GAK: cocaine GOBI: cauliflower GREBO: a devotee of heavy metal or grunge music, with unkempt hair and clothes GRRL and GRRRL: as in RIOT GRRL, a young woman who plays or enjoys an aggressively feminist style of punk...


One combination of letters which seems to come up regularly for me is AEGIRST.  The only word I can usually think of is "Stagier".  After a bit more cogitation I thought of "GAITERS", but that was it. So I decided to look up the combo in "Scrabble Words" and came up with the following list: AGISTER, AIGRETS, GAITERS, SEAGIRT, STAGIER, STRIGAE, TIRAGES, TRIAGES Take a look at the list and then play a game of online hangman  (which I created just for this purpose) to see how many you can remember. OK you are unlikely to lose a life because you know which letters are in the word, but it might help you to remember them for next time! By the way, no I didn't know what most of them meant either.  But I do now :)